Fortuna / Reliquias

societevolatile, 2012
film, installation, sculpture

Installation et film > Arnaud Verley & Philémon Vanorlé.

Vidéo en boucle, extrait


Vue d’exposition

Exposition Achemar, Lille 3000 / la malterie. Lille (FR) 2014

Projection in situ, exposition Over Time, BWA, Worclaw (PL) 2016



Ballons sur crochets métalliques rouillés

22 ballons de football repêchés à Rome, dans les eaux du Tibre.

The video presents soccer balls and detritus imprisoned in the water flows of the Tiber in Roma. We like this analogy with the story of Romulus and Remus, founder of the city, who’ve been fished out from this water. The title of the video, Fortuna, refers to the antic goddess of luck. The installation Reliquias, presents a serie of this soccer balls spent and sculpted by this mythical river, exhibited here as trophies or vanities.


2016 _ Canicule, Musée des Beaux-arts de Caen (FR)
2016 _ Canicule, Tréa Gallerie, Mons (BE)
2016 _ Over Time, BWA, Worclaw (PL)
2014 _ Achemar, Lille 3000 / la malterie. Lille (FR)
2013 _ Talent prize, MACRO, Musée d’art contemporain de Rome (FR)
2012 _ Format à l’italienne, Espace le Carré, Lille (FR)